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Oklahoma Horse
Show Association
Awards & Qualifications
OkHSA offers 14 High Point & Reserve Awards for each Show and Year-End
Novice Amateur
W/T Amateur
Novice Youth
W/T Youth
Open Ranch
Amateur Ranch
Novice Amateur Ranch
W/T Amateur Ranch
Youth Ranch
Novice Youth Ranch
W/T Youth Ranch
For Breakdown of Classes that Count Towards each High Point Award, see the 'Exhibitor Levels & Classes' page.
Only exhibitors who are current members of OkHSA will receive points and be eligible for awards
You much compete in halter class for division to qualify for High Point
Division classes at a show where you did not compete in the appropriate halter class will not count towards year end High Point calculations.
Points accumulated prior to becoming a member will not count towards any awards
All points are calculated by exhibitor/horse combination
To be eligible for year-end awards, exhibitor must compete at the required number of shows during the show year.
For 2024 the requirement is 2 shows (that's 2 shows in the category you are going for year-end in; if you're in Ranch, then you have to attend 2 of the ranch shows; for Classic, you have to attend 2 of the Classic shows)
You may show in both the Classic and Ranch shows.
Show Awards
A High Point and Reserve is awarded for each of the 11 High Point divisions at each show
Year-End Awards
A total High Point and Reserve is awarded for each of the 14 High Point divisions at the end of the year (totaling up points from each show)
A class winner is awarded for every class at the end of the year
For more information, please see the OkHSA Handbook.
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